antibodies test for coronavirus

Protective actions of bioactive flavonoids chrysin and luteolin on the glyoxal induced formation of advanced glycation end products and aggregation of human serum albumin: In vitro and molecular docking analysis

Protective actions of bioactive flavonoids chrysin and luteolin on the glyoxal induced formation of advanced glycation end products and aggregation of human serum albumin: In vitro and molecular docking analysis

The post-translational modification of proteins by nonenzymatic glycation (NEG) and the buildup of AGEs are the 2 underlying elements related to the long-term pathogenesis in diabetes. Glyoxal (GO) is a reactive intermediate which has the power to switch proteins and generate AGEs at a quicker fee. Human serum albumin (HSA) being probably the most ample …

Protective actions of bioactive flavonoids chrysin and luteolin on the glyoxal induced formation of advanced glycation end products and aggregation of human serum albumin: In vitro and molecular docking analysis Read More »


Molecular mass distribution of the ultrafiltration fractionation 

Dedication of the relative molecular mass distribution of the ultrafiltration fractionation product of lignosulfonate by superior polymer chromatography. The results of testing situations, reminiscent of pH and ionic energy of the cell part, on the relative molecular mass obtained by superior polymer chromatography (APC) have been investigated systematically. The non-size exclusion results have been mentioned for lignosulfonate …

Molecular mass distribution of the ultrafiltration fractionation  Read More »