Hbsag Confirmation Test

Total Cytotoxicity Test Assay Kit

972 250
EUR 670

Hbsag Assay Laboratories manufactures the hbsag confirmation test reagents distributed by Genprice. The Hbsag Confirmation Test reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact hbsag assay. Other Hbsag products are available in stock. Specificity: Hbsag Category: Confirmation Group: Test

Peroxide assay, colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative

1 kit
EUR 489.6

Peroxidase assay, colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative

1 kit
EUR 634.8

HiDtect Dual Confirmation of E.coli Iden

1 unit
EUR 33.82
Description: HiDtect Dual Confirmation of E.coli Iden

HiDtect Dual Confirmation of E.coli Iden

1 unit
EUR 59.67
Description: HiDtect Dual Confirmation of E.coli Iden

HiDtect Dual Confirmation of E.coli Iden

1 unit
EUR 101.53
Description: HiDtect Dual Confirmation of E.coli Iden

Glutathione (GSH) Assay, Enzymatic colorimetric assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative

1 kit
EUR 489.6

True Blue

EUR 595

Test information

HBsAg Serum Test Strip

HBsAg-211 3.0mm (single pouch) 100pouches/box
EUR 0.08

HBsAg Test Strip (Test in Whole Blood)

HBsAg-213 3.0mm (single pouch) 100pouches/box
EUR 0.1

HBsAg Combo Rapid Test, Cs

R0042C 30
EUR 0.42

anti- HBsAg mouse antibody

HBV001 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against HBsAg mouse

anti- HBsAg mouse antibody

HBV002 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against HBsAg mouse

TruStrip RDT 5-Minute rapid test to confirm the presence of humanized antibodies, 10 tests/pk

1750-RDT-10 1 kit
EUR 424.8

Human HbsAg(hepatitis B virus Surface Antigen) ELISA Kit

EH4002 96T
EUR 628.92
Description: Method of detection: Qualitative ;Reacts with: Homo sapiens;Sensitivity: Qualitative

Human Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Rapid Test Kit

abx090708-100l 100 µl
EUR 400

Human Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Rapid Test Kit

abx090708-1ml 1 ml
EUR 3187.5

Human Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Rapid Test Kit

abx090708-200l 200 µl
EUR 937.5


ant-194 2µg
EUR 60
Description: Recombinant Anti Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen Ck


ant-773 100µg
EUR 200
Description: Mouse Anti Hepatitis B Surface Antigen


MBS344145-5x7mLRTU 5x7mL(RTU)
EUR 755


MBS344145-7mLRTU 7mL(RTU)
EUR 220


MBS8564572-01mLAF405L 0.1mL(AF405L)
EUR 565


MBS8564572-01mLAF405S 0.1mL(AF405S)
EUR 565


MBS8564572-01mLAF610 0.1mL(AF610)
EUR 565